matter where we come from, when it comes to Holidays we all enjoy at least one
aspect about a certain Holiday. All around the world there are several
different Holidays that are celebrated with parties, feasts, parades and why
not a couple of days off from school or work.
shares Holidays with other nations such as:
Year’s day (Jour de l'an) – January the 1st
Day (Fête du premier mai) – May 1
of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Assomption) – August 15
Day (Noël) – December 25
Saints Day (La Toussaint) – November 1
However there are specific Holidays
that are just celebrated in France such as:
· WWII Victory Day
(Fête de la Victoire 1945; Fête du huitième mai) – May 8:
This is
a holiday that commemorates the end of World War II and the French people´s
freedom. The end of the WWII was announced by Charles de Gaulle in France on
May 8, 1945 which actually corresponds to the day of the celebration. Charles
de Gaulle was the leader of the Free French forces, when he was going to
announce the end of the WW II the church bells rang which shows the link
between government and religion in France at that time. De Gaulle´s message
marked the end of a six- year war and the oppression from the Nazi.
and colleges spend the time before May 8 studying the history of the WWII and
the Nazi oppression. That day the citizens attend to parades, sing patriotic songs
and display the French flag in their homes and buildings. Although this holiday
is supposed to be joyous it is also a time to remember the family members who
died during WWII.
· Bastille Day (Fête
nationale) – July 14
Bastille Day is actually the French national holiday and it commemorates de
storming of the Bastille which marks the beginning of the French revolution.
The Bastille was a prison during Louis 16th regime, and it
symbolizes the arbitrary power of that king. The storming of the Bastille took
place on July 14 1789 and it represents: liberty, equality and fraternity just
like the flag. Bastille Day was declared the French national holiday on 6 July
1880 and it is of great importance because it symbolizes the birth of the
Armistice day (L'Armistice)
– November 11
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